Oaken announces new landpartner CRM solution for farms
Shashi Raghunandan Shashi Raghunandan

Oaken announces new landpartner CRM solution for farms

Oaken Launches Revolutionary Farmland Management Platform: Oaken, a groundbreaking startup from DIAL Ventures, introduces an innovative platform for agribusinesses, revolutionizing the management of farmland and leases. Aimed at combating the rapid loss of U.S. farmland, Oaken offers a digital solution to connect farmers with stakeholders, streamline lease management, and promote sustainable land stewardship. This all-in-one platform facilitates seamless management of farmland leases, payments, and sustainability reports, ensuring farmland remains productive and secure. With Oaken, farmers can efficiently manage their land and stakeholder relationships, backed by the support of DIAL Ventures and High Alpha Innovation. Discover how Oaken is setting a new standard in farmland management and contributing to environmental stability and food security.

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